New Compound Review
If staying informed about the world's newest chemical, biological and transgenic technologies in global agriculture crop protection is important to you, place your order now for the Ag Chem New Compound Review. It is the only publication available which reports exclusively on experimental crop protection activity.
Published annually in April, the New Compound Review comprehensively identifies the world's newest publicly disclosed experimental chemical, biological, biotech and transgenic activity.
The Ag Chem New Compound Review is globally acknowledged to be the most up-to-date new technology information reference for anyone concerned with agriculture crop protection methodologies; it has been tracking crop protection R&D since 1982.
The New Compound Review includes:
- Profiles of more than 350 compounds and biological agents
- Identification of more than 50 new crop protection leads, not previously disclosed (now also includes Chinese-originated items)
- Details of active ingredients which have changed status within the last three years
- A summary of the recent activity and advances in all phases of exciting new crop protection technology
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